ORC Week 4: Dresser Revamp

It's week 4 which means there's only 2 weeks left, ahh so much to do. But what has been done is a dresser makeover. If you remember from week 1 here is what our bedroom dresser looked like...
It actually wasn't a bad stain color, however it had a few scratches and chips that needed to be repaired so I made the decision to repaint the entire piece.
Last week I mentioned painting it a light blue with a heavy grey undertone, and I was just about to purchase a can of paint but then I found this chair to use in a corner near the dresser and it happened to be the exact same color.
Thinking it would be too much of the same color in one area I found a new color, Deep River Green, which turned out to be the creamiest, dark blue green color, and it's perfect!
I also came upon this furniture paint by Valspar, I've never used it before but it advertised as no needing to sand or prime so I figured I'd try it out.
Here is a picture during the process. The drawer on top has only one coat, while the bottom one has two. I applied it with a foam roller brush and a bristle brush for the detailed trim areas.
I love the finished result! It's perfect!!

I chose to keep the original hardware. I love having a vintage piece in a room to add some soul. It helps with the collected feel that I love!
Besides getting the dresser finished and finding a chair for the corner of the room, I've also picked up pillows for the bed.
The blue euros are from Pottery Barn while the front linen pillow is from Erin Gates collection and found at TjMaxx.
That's all the updates so far. Hopefully this week I can get the headboard situation finalized, and figure out art, and the nightstand on my side of the bed. Oh and finish picking out accessories because it's all on the details, not much right?
For more inspiration visit the others joining in on the challenge here.



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