2013 calendars to help me be a little more organized in the new year.

One of my goals this coming new year is to be more organized. I always thought of myself as being organized but now that I have 2 in two different schools, I have realized I'm not as organized as I would like to be. One of the first, and easiest ways, I can think of on my journey to organization is to get a calendar. I kind of forgot to get one this year so I use my mental calendar and things keep getting jumbled up in there. I'm thinking a mental calendar is not the best way to go. In my search for the perfect calendar I thought I would share some of my favorites I have found.

Cavellini has a new vintage style out. It says you pull off the page at the end of the month. I don't think there are a bunch of different pictures like the original ones we all love so much but instead it's styled more like a day by day or desk calendar. I haven't seen one in person yet but I love the sweet treats one!
And of course my love of bird prints leads me to love this one, I can't help but picture each month framed after I'm done using it.
And the colors in the garden calendar are making this one a strong contender. {All of these Cavellini calendars and more can be found here}.
Etsy is also a great place to find one of a kind calendars. {Click on the images to go to the store where they are sold}.
While I would love one that hangs on the fridge or wall, I still can't help but love the design of this one...

I love the artistic look of this farmer's market calendar, I think I may have a thing for veggies this year.

As well as this herbal calendar.

And these cute little pups can't help but make me smile. Again this kind would be hard to write down everything that is happening on each day but it's cute to look at!

Have you bought a 2013 calendar yet? I can't believe it's less than 2 weeks away!!! As well as the big 3-0 for me! ahhhh!!! Where has the time gone!!!

If you have any other good calendar sources please let us know in the comments!!



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