preppy boys room design.

We'll be moving soon... again. Where? Well you're guess is as good as mine, literally! We know we will be out of our current rental at the end of Aug, from there we're not sure where we will be, but that hasn't stopped me from dreaming about the future house we will live in. We are hoping to find a place that has a bedroom large enough for all 3 boys to be in. Right now our two youngest share a room after the littlest insisted on sleeping in a big boy bed only and we were able to convince our oldest to sleep in what was the playroom/guestroom. I love the bedding each of their beds have currently but because we will have to find a third bed that looks similar to the bunk beds we have now and paint it black, I wanted as much other symmetrical items in the room as possible to keep it from looking to hodged podged. Here is the plan I've come up with:

I was lucky enough to find some posters that have a bit of a meaning to them rather than just any random poster. One of them is an ad for a musical called Brothers, perfect for a room being shared by 3 brothers, my husband is from Puerto Rico so the Puerto Rican one has the right colors and isn't as random as other locations would be, and the athletics ones I'm not in love with but they do like sports and it fit better than others I saw. You can view them all here. They are a good price and add a good pop of color and graphics to a room. I'm also planning on doing a paper mache project and creating our own animal head. I'm completely against real heads but these fake, ceramic looking ones I think are fun and whimsical, plus my family is from Vermont and these are pretty common amongst the walls. Matching bedding form Ikea, as well as matching chests, one for each, and a big basket to store some toys in will finish it off. The boys like it and I'm excited about it too... now just to find a house!



Love the design, classic and yet fun, what a great space for the boys!!!

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