why May has been crazy!

I've been a MIA this month, it's been busy. Here's a little peak into how our May has gone so far:

We rang in the month celebrating a 4th birthday with this guy.

When we asked him to show us how many he now was this was his version of 4, he's the weirdo in the family who would come up with this combination of fingers to use! He keeps us rolling with laughter all day long!

The day after all three of them began swimming lessons.

He loved the water.

He was pretty good too but prior experiences had him extremely cautious.

And this one hated it his first time. Poor guy! But I'm happy to say that last night was their last class and all three of them are swimming on their own! We were so proud of them we went out for ice cream for dinner afterwards! The 2 older ones even LOVE diving to the bottom of the pool to fetch rings! If you want your kids in swimming lessons and have the Sharks and Minnows company in your area, they are completely worth it and so great to work with!

This guy finished his soccer season as well, so glad we are done having to get up early on Saturday mornings for games.

In the middle of the game I found him doing a dance. Completely oblivious to the fact that everyone else was on the other end of the field playing the game! He's so like his mama when it comes to sports, distracted by everything and not interested in the game!

In this play he went up to kick the ball, and somehow he ended up falling head first on the ground. He sat our for the rest of them game. He hadn't been into the game all that much but I told him it was his last game so he had to give it his all and try to pay attention to where the ball was. He was trying to get a goal for his team here and something went wrong. He was heart broken that he didn't end up scoring for his team. They ended up winning anyway.

Here he is after the game showing off his medal he won for the season. He wasn't that into taking a picture, can you tell he had been crying from the pain?

On Mother's day this guy rode his first carousel. I'm not sure he knew what to think when I put him on the panda bear he choose.

But when it started to move up and down he was in heaven! I think he would have rode it all day long if we had let him!

These two loved it too!

We've been spending a lot of time at Disney lately too, especially after the soccer games. They have a fun fountain with popping water the boys like to play in.

So we spend the day there so they can cool off and I can sit in the shade and relax. After the water fun we visit the stores and play at all of the fun stores.

Our month isn't over yet. Tomorrow the two little ones are being baptized in the church I grew up in and went to school at. I'm hoping the same priest of baptized me will baptize them if he's back from Ireland yet. I also get to snuggle with my best friend's little boy who is down for the baptism. Then we have Ryan's last week of school, he's ending a week early due to our family reunion vacation which I will be going crazy packing for next week. Is anyone from or familiar with the Gatlinberg Tennessee area and can recommend some fun things to do there? I'm looking for things that you can only experience there, maybe some fun hiking trails or waterfalls to visit? And I'm always up for any great antique stores that may be around town.

You probably won't hear from me too often over the next couple of weeks but I do have a few things planned for you while I'm away. Hope you all have had a fun May and are getting ready for summer fun to begin!


PS- I was super upset about Picnik closing, they were my one and only photo editing tool I used however I came across PicMonkey and I think I like it. It's all free and they don't seem to have any "premium" actions like Picnik had that were limited to you unless you were a member. They have a ton of actions to play around with. Go on over and take a look. I used the site for all of the carousel pictures in this post.


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