a golden lamp.

In celebration of the upcoming St. Patty's day, which by the way is also my grandmother and niece's birthday, I thought I would show you another project I used gold spray paint for.

A while back I spotted PB's wrought iron lamps and fell in love with them {the scroll design then was a bit different than their current ones}, however at their price of over $100 for just the base was a bit more than I wanted to pay.

While shopping at Target one day with my mom I happened upon these lamp bases for $9.99 on clearance. I scooped them up , there were 2 left, and happily trotted off with my PB knock-offs for way less. Eventually I fell out of love with them, they were looking a bit too Mediterranean for my current taste so they've been collecting dust in the garage for over a year now. Until one day I had the bright idea of spraying one of them with the gold paint I had made the frames over with here, and using it in the living room to add some much needed interest. The second lamp broke in one of the moves so until it's fixed it still lives in the garage.

I love how classic and modern it now looks. I paired it with a large drum shade I had in the garage that I bought a few years ago at Goodwill for only a few dollars. I was planning on using it above our kitchen table after covering it with some fun fabric, one day. I love how it look on this lamp however and placed on top of a stack of books to help raise it closer to the same level as the lamp on the opposite table. {this picture doesn't show just how large the lamp is}.

{you can see what it used to look like in this post} I'm starting to like the living room now. I did a big project for it this morning and will share it with you once I'm able to get some good pictures, have I mentioned how horrible it is to take good pictures in this house, no good lighting what so ever! Anyway here's to an early Happy St. Patrick's day! {We named all of our boys with Irish names to take after their mama, just a little bit of an Irish fun fact from our house to yours, and the girl name we had picked out is also made up of 2 Irish names}.


{linked to some of these parties}
UndertheTableandDreaming freckled laundry Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up     party! Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Furniture Feature Fridays Visit thecsiproject.com giveaways Transformation Thursday My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
The Lettered Cottage

Photobucket The DIY Show Off The DIY Show Off toomuchtime


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