new tabs, buttons, and a pretty barn.

There's a new tab up there. You can now access my Etsy store from there. I have added buttons on that page for the different shop sections. The buttons are also on the right side of the blog too. Go ahead click them and take a look around, I dare you! As always I love creating custom orders so if you see something you like but it's just not quite right let me know and together we can create something just for you!

And because I can't have a post without a picture and because all my thoughts lately have all been with my ENTIRE family on both my mom's and dad's side up in Vermont, here is a red barn that reminds me of Vermont's endless countryside.

It's hard losing people, especially when they are family.

Spend time with your loved ones this weekend and call a family member who you don't get to see often enough due to distance, or anything else. You never know when fate won't let you anymore.



Unknown said…
Such a beautiful photo and post! You're right...we need to cherish the times we have with our loved ones NOW!

I wanted to let you know that I'm hosting a month-long Giveaway Jubilee beginning March 1st. I know you've hosted giveaways before and thought you might be interested. You can participate as a giver, a (hopefully) winner, or both! Just click on the button at the top right of my sidebar that says "Giveaway Jubilee" for more info.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!


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