homemade wall clock.

Do you remember my client who wanted a farmhouse in the city? Here is the idea board I created for her.

If you look in the top right hand corner is this clock I had picked out for her room. It held all of the colors she was envisioning in the room, plus I felt it had a bit of that farmhouse style to it without being too overdone. Anyway once I sent her her room board she told me how she was going to try and DIY a lot of the things on there {she is insanely creative!}. This clock was her first DIY project for the room. Want to see how it turned out? The inspiration:

Her version:

Isn't it wonderful? She made it using stuff she already had at home, most people probably have all of these things sitting in their closets too. I love how it turned out and was really impressed with it. She plans on beginning most of the other big panting projects when the weather is better outside, but for now you can visit her here to see how she made the wall clock. It's a great example of getting the same product and look of something store bought, but with a much cheaper price tag... and the bragging rights of "I made that!". Go see and be inspired to create your own!


*if you would like an idea board for a room in your home, contact me at Winderandmain@gmail.com.


frances said…
Now that is awesome...where is the original from? Cheers Frances

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