the guest room and play room tour.

In this house we actually have a guest room, instead of a guest nook. There aren't any book pages covering the walls {yet anyway}, instead I decided to keep it simple.
These pillows are actually red but they are reading a pink color for some reason.

I found the antique English ship mirror while shopping in Savannah during my sister's bachelorette party. And through the mirror you can see what's on the other side of the room...

The play room. The boys personalized chalkboards are up for the to draw. I also added an art work display area by stringing up some twine and using clothes pins to attach new art too.

This little table used to be mine when I was growing up. It's also been a changing table when our oldest was born.

Some globes, books, and little treasures complete the top.

The painted bird houses were an art project I did with the big boys when we were up in Vermont this summer. They loved painting them, they almost turned out looking like they were tie-dyed.

Some of hubby's toys from when he was little are scattered around as well.

I love the chippy-ness of this old Makala game {is that what it's called?}.

There's another wall I didn't share but only because my computer won't read my camera's memory card at the moment. So once I'm able to get the pictures on the computer I'll share that fun wall and idea, hopefully sometime this week!


{linked to any and all of the parties below}:


freckled laundry

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up     party!

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Furniture Feature Fridays



Transformation Thursday

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia


The Lettered Cottage



oh get the book paper up in the guest room already! lol
d e n i s e
Great room - I love how the items all have stories and have been collected over time - rather than all new. I think it makes a room much more comfortable and cozy.
Wonderful wonderful details all over! I am loving your blog! :o)
Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

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