dreaming of a farmhouse...

I know I promised pictures of our Tybee Cottage we stayed in this past weekend but I'm a little under the weather. The boys got me sick when I returned home, and it's done nothing but rain today. I'll I've wanted to do, and tried to do is lay in bed, but the boys have other plans!

I should be packing for the move this weekend but instead I'm dreaming of a country farm house. I want one bad! I hope the next house we buy is a country farm house fixer upper...

Source: ethps.org via Meg on Pinterest

Source: houzz.com via Meg on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Meg on Pinterest

Source: None via Meg on Pinterest

Source: weheartit.com via Meg on Pinterest

Who wouldn't want to eat in such a beautiful barn? I'd hold dinner parties here at least once a week!

And no farmhouse is complete without some chickens. I want the European ones that lay blue eggs... my husband has beard me non stop talk about them... hopefully it will sink in and maybe we'll be adding some to our family in the future?! I can only hope!

This would be the perfect view from our future farmhouse. It reminds me of fall in Vermont.

If you're itching for some pretty farmhouse eye candy, check out these beautiful farmhouse blogs... you won't want to turn away from them!

For the Love of a House

Home and Harmony

A Country Farmhouse

Our new rental is definitely going to have a farmhouse vibe going on inside, even if the outside is nothing close to a farmhouse resemblance!



Carrie Edwards said…
Love all these pretty images. We have an old fixer upper house -- More of a ranch house than a farm house -- and you've re-inspired me! Hope you feel better soon.
Soo gorgeous, can't wait to see what you do with your new place!!!

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