lavender & rosemary.

I don't have a green thumb. Often everything I plant ends up dying, especially if it is in pots. But I had 2 pretty pots laying around that I wanted to use so I decided to create a mini herb garden. I fell in love with the scent of rosemary and lavender, especially together, so home with me they went.
Rosemary crowns the top while 3 lavender plants surround the bottom tier.

I've had this pot forever. I bought it back in college to create a coffee table out of. It's from Walmart and I've never been able to find another one.
This one came from Lowes about a year ago. It's actually footed but the foot is buried.
I hope they do well. I did this a couple weeks ago and there are already a few lavender blooms on a couple of the plants. I know they can be tempremental but I'm determined. The fragrance gives me motivation to keep them alive!
While I was potting my own little garden and I decided to spruce up my MIL's planters with some new flowers.

They look so pretty now!
Do you have any tips for herb gardens? Especially for lavender and rosemary? Please share!
{linked to parties above}


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