just one of those days.

So our computer bit the dust! I'm hoping somehow it can be saved but it's not looking too good. The worst part? All of our pictures will be lost! Pictures of my baby's first year vanished! Unfortunately I have them no where else. I've kept meaning to burn them onto a cd or one of those stick things that are so popular but never got around to it. Now I regret never taking the time to do it. Maybe I'll create a flicker account so I'll have them somewhere incase this happens again... it's not the first time and you think I would have learned my lesson the first time around. So that's why you haven't heard much from me lately. I have been working though. I have quite a few projects to show y'all but for now text is going to have to do. I have my MIL's MAC to use in the mean time but I can't figure out how to upload pictures from my memory card... I'll have to wait until she can show me. But enough pity talk from me, guess what! One of the projects I've been working on is for one of you! I'll be participating in The Twice Remembered Cottage's Cottage Charm giveaway, and if I can figure out this whole computer and memory card thing I'll have my giveaway up and ready on Sunday May 1st, which also happens to me my middle Mister's birthday, and if you ask he'll tell you "don't forget it"... oh the ramblings of an almost 3 year old! Anyway I'm sure you've had enough of my own rambling so I'll leave you to visit other blogs now who are able to put their own pretty pictures up while I'm here eating chocolate and pulling my hair out trying to figure out why computers like to up and quit on us all the time!

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some pretty picture posts, I promise I'll make it up to you!



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