happy birthday pumpkin!

My baby Liam, a year ago today you entered our family. I can't beleive it has been a year. It feels like just yesterday I was arguing with the nurse telling her you were coming and I couldn't wait for the doctor to arrive... you made quite the entrance and didn't want to wait for anyone, especially the doctor. We were so happy to hear that first cry when at first you were silent. Thank you to the nurses and doctors who saved your life after the embilical cord was wrapped around you cutting off your breathing.
You made our family of 4 into a family of 5, and your brothers welcomed you with open arms and 100's of kisses.

You were and are as perfect as can be.

You love to follow your brothers and do what they do.
You love to swing and laugh.
You are such a good baby and make us all fall to pieces over you.
Happy birthday pumpkin! We love you!


Just found your blog through The Lettered Cottage and love it! Your baby is ADORABLE!!
A Vintage Vine said…
He is so cute!!! Love on him tons, they grow up way too fast!

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