These are a few of my favorite things... Fridays

Believe it or not I've never seen that entire movie, just clips here and there... But anyway I decided that on Fridays I will feature a favorite item in our home. With the economy the way it is and people not being able to go out and buy as much stuff as they may want, finding a favorite item in your house each week is a great way to appreciate things you already have.

This week it's the shower curtain in the boy's/guest bathroom. I LOVE this shower curtain. I bought it from HomeGoods months ago and knew I had to have it the moment I saw it. I figured the blue was good for a boy's bathroom (and to add color since we're in a rental and don't want to bother painting the bathrooms) but the design still leaves it feeling adult friendly. The hooks were bought at Walmart from the Canopy vintage bath collection...

It makes me smile every time I walk by it or go in there, which lately is a whole lot since we're in the middle of potty training our 2 year old.

So there is one of my favorite pieces in our home. Do you have any favorite pieces that make you smile? Maybe we'll turn this into a weekly linky party in a few weeks so everyone can show off thier favorite things... what do you think?



mommy2luke2008 said…
I love that shower curtain!! I would love to have kitchen curtains like that. Hmmmm, I would have to say my favorite item in my house is my latest craft, a photo star but my all time favorite is my photo suncatchers!!
1. LOVE that shower curtain. We're due for a new one and that color/pattern is so pretty.
2. I actually really like those hooks. WM is really stepping up their game lately. ;)
3. Good for you for potty training. My 2 year old just seems to want to play with the toilet paper when she sits there, so I'm holding off until she's serious. ;)

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